Hamilton, Tod G. 2019. Immigration and the Remaking of Black America. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Reference Link
Hamilton, Tod G., and Tiffany; Green. 2017. “Intergenerational Differences in Smoking Among West Indian, Haitian, Latin American, and African Blacks in the United States”. Social Science and Medicine: Population Health 3: 305-17. Publisher’s Version: Intergenerational differences in smoking among West Indian, Haitian, Latin American, and African blacks in the United States. Reference Link
Hamilton, Tod G., and Robert Hummer. (2011) 2011. “Immigration and the Health of U.S. Black Adults: Does Country of Origin Matter?”. Social Science Medicine, 1551-60. Reference Link
Hamilton, Tod G. (2012) 2012. “Arrival Cohort, Assimilation, and the Earnings of Caribbean Women”. The Review of Black Political Economy , 445-60. Reference Link
Hamilton, Tod G. (2015) 2015. “The Healthy Immigrant (Migrant) Effect: In Search of a Better Native-Born Comparison Group”. Social Science Research, 353-65. Publisher’s Version: The Healthy Immigrant (Migrant) Effect: In Search of a Better Native-born Comparison Group. Reference Link
Hamilton, Tod G., Tia Palermo, and Tiffany Green. (2015) 2015. “Health Assimilation Among Hispanic Immigrants in the United States: The Impact of Ignoring Arrival-Cohort Effects”. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 460-77. Reference Link
Rosenblum, William Jr. Darity, Angel Harris, and Tod G. Hamilton. 2016. “Looking Through the Shades: The Effect of Skin Color on Earnings by Region of Birth and Race for Immigrants to the United States”. Sociology of Race & Ethnicity 2 (1): 87-105. Publisher’s Version: Looking Through the Shades: The Effect of Skin Color on Earnings by Region of Birth and Race for Immigrants to the United States. Reference Link
Hamilton, Tod G. 2014. “Do Country-of-Origin Characteristics Help Explain Variation in Health Among Black Immigrants in the United States?”. Social Science Quarterly, 817-34. Reference Link
Hamilton, Tod G. 2014. “Selection, Language Heritage, and the Earnings of Black Immigrants in the United States”. Demography, 975-1002. Reference Link
Green, Tiffany, and Tod G. Hamilton. 2013. “Beyond Black and White: Color and Mortality in Post-Reconstruction Era North Carolina”. Explorations in Economic History, 148-59. Publisher’s Version: Beyond Black and White: Color and Mortality in Post-Reconstruction Era North Carolina. Reference Link
Hamilton, Tod G. 2013. “Black Immigration”. In Encyclopedia of Race and Racism, 2nd Edition. Detroit: Gale Publishing Group. Publisher’s Version: Black Immigration. Reference Link
Hamilton, Tod G., and Ichiro Kawachi. (2012) 2012. “Changes in Income Inequality and the Health of Immigrants”. Social Science and Medicine, 57-66. Publisher’s Version: Changes in Income Inequality and the Health of Immigrants. Reference Link